Visiting Artist's Talk — Carl Grinter

For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk (VAT), we welcome Carl Grinter.

Carl Grinter is a designer, supervisor and producer who has worked in the London film network since 1987. He has worked extensively across the commercial and art-oriented worlds, beginning his career in music video-making using analogue processes.

His career has been shaped by uncertainty and his practice now involves simulating and replicating the physical world using computer animation software, invention and innovation. His interests lie in the influence of media as forms of memory support, and the affect of surprise within developmental practices of media-making.

He completed his first feature length project, Thesis, as part of his practice-based PhD in Immersive Media Design and Production at University of the Arts London. It was selected for the exhibitions Beyond 2001:New Horizons at London College of Communication (2018) and Another Land at Stanley Picker Galleries in Kingston Museum (London, 2019).

Grinter runs an immersive production company, Three Wise Monkeys, and a visual effects studio, CC VFX, both based in London.

The Visiting Artist’s Talk (VAT) series hosts talks by an exciting range of arts practitioners from around the world every Monday afternoon from 14:00 to 15:30 during teaching weeks.

All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but open to anyone else who would like to join us.

For more information, email Nick Thurston.


Still: Carl Grinter, Thesis: Birth (2018). Images from the NASA Film Archive.