
Results 1 to 5 of 5 Seminar series

Campus roofs and eaves in golden hour

A workshop exploring best practice in working with heritage organisations, featuring Professor Jane Hamlett, Royal Holloway University of London.

Miners standing in a gold mine, with their tools around them

Dr Nicholas McGee presents a paper for the Empires and Aftermath research group in the School of History.

Charcoal image of soldiers charging with the American, British, Chinese, Russian, and French flags in the background.

Dr Helena F. S. Lopes presents a paper for the Politics, Diplomacy and International History research group in the School of History.

Street art of a women, hunched over. Hands grasp around her.

Dr Priyanka Tripathi presents a paper for the Women, Gender and Sexuality, and Health Histories research groups in the School of History.

Frontispiece of sixteenth-century book

Dr Erica Feild-Marchello presents a paper for the Empires and Aftermath research group in the School of History.

  • One day event
  • Reoccuring events