Document Practices Symposium
- Date: Friday 5 May 2017, 13:45 – 16:30
- Location: Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
- Cost: Free
A symposium to officially introduce the Artists’ Writings & Publications Research Centre (AWP) to the University.
The Artists’ Writings & Publications Research Centre (AWP) consolidates two decades of excellent practice-led research into artists’ publishing and many more decades of influential scholarship on the subject of artists’ writings developed across the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies.
The AWP does so with the aim of supporting impactful and ambitious new research across disciplinary boundaries, in both conventional and experimental forms, which can connect these growing fields of artistic and critical interest with broader socio-cultural discussions about new writing and the ever-changing cultures of reading.
Join the AWP’s co-founders Simon Lewandowski, Dr Chris Taylor and Nick Thurston for the official launch symposium, Document Practices, exploring the connections between documentary methods from across the arts with radical cultures of document sharing from around the world.
Leading the discussions will be three special guests: Professor John Beck (Director for the Institute of Modern and Contemporary Culture, Westminster), Professor Gary Hall (Director of the Centre for Disruptive Media, Coventry, and co-founder of Open Humanities Press) and Dr Nicholas Thoburn (Sociology, Manchester, and author of Anti-Book (Minnesota, 2016)).
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, places at the symposium are free but spaces are limited and booking is essential. Please book here using Eventbrite.
Preceding the symposium, the Leeds Humanities Research Institute (LHRI) are generously sponsoring a Speculative Lunch to enable staff and affiliates of the University to see the School’s new facilities, celebrate the Centre’s official launch, hear more about its activities and to share ideas about possible collaborations. The lunch takes place from 12.30 to 1.30pm. To book a place, please email Hope Wlliard at the LHRI.
Image: Document Practices guest speakers Professor John Beck, Professor Gary Hall and Dr Nick Thoburn