Implementing assessment and feedback for learning – reflecting on lessons learnt

- Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024, 13:00 – 15:00
- Location: Newlyn Building, 24 Mount Preston Street
- Cost: Free
Implementing assessment and feedback for learning – reflecting on lessons learnt
Engaging Curriculum Redefined through the Arts and Humanities: The Build Phase
A Focus on Disciplinary Learning and Assessment and Feedback
Series Lead: Dr Eva Sansavior, Academic Development Consultant (Curriculum Redefined) for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
Assessment and Feedback is a shared strategic priority within the Curriculum Redefined (CR) project and the Schools’ and Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Cultures’ National Student Survey (NSS) response plans. Extending programme development conversations from the Engaging Curriculum Redefined Through the Arts and Humanities Working Conversations series, the following three sessions will support colleagues in Faculty programme teams as they move into the ‘build phase’ of Curriculum Redefined.
- Session 1: Making arts and humanities disciplinary knowledge visible for our students
- Session 2: Implementing assessment and feedback for learning – reflecting on lessons learnt
- Session 3: Supporting students to develop assessment and feedback literacies
The sessions will offer a collegial space for reflecting on and sharing effective practice across the Faculty in student-centred assessment and feedback through the lens of disciplines in the arts and humanities. Taking a practical and reflective approach, the sessions will centre around the programme documents, curricula and student-facing resources shared by individual academics and programme teams. In this respect, the sessions aim to support programme teams to build on the aspirations expressed in the CR programme and module documentation and develop actionable concrete next steps. Sessions will be of particular interest to programme teams in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures.
Session 2: Implementing assessment and feedback for learning – reflecting on lessons learnt
Wednesday 6 March, 1-3pm, hybrid delivery, in-person venue Newlyn SR 1.02
Speakers include:
Dr Alba Curry (School of Philosophy, Religion & History of Science)
Owen Taylor, third-year student (School of Philosophy, Religion & History of Science)
‘Assessment for learning’ and ‘student-centred assessment and feedback’ are central tenets of the University’s assessment and feedback framework. How are they understood and implemented across different disciplinary contexts? And what are considered the indicators of success? This session takes the experiences of programme teams who are one year into their Curriculum Redefined journey as a starting point for reflecting on lessons learnt and exploring practical steps for developing programmes which cultivate the conditions for student-centred assessment and feedback for learning.
Attendance is free, but to help us manage catering and hybrid facilities please complete the expression of interest form here: