A Survival Guide to Medieval Fairy Tales

Join Dr Marta Cobb as she takes us into the world of the medieval supernatural in a public talk at Leeds Central Library.

What would you do if your wife was stolen by fairies? Or if you discover your husband is a werewolf? What about when a green knight invites you to chop off his head? Find out the answers to these and other questions in this exploration of medieval tales of the fantastic.

We tend to think of fairy tales as stories for children, but this was not always the case. In the Middle Ages, stories about the supernatural involving fairies stealing queens, green knights, or mysterious ladies with the power to grant wishes were enjoyed by adults as well.

Join Dr Marta Cobb for an exploration into the magical realm and find out who lives happily ever after.

About the speaker

Marta Cobb has a PhD in Medieval English Literature. She is the Senior Congress Officer for the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds, where she helps to coordinate the academic programme, as well as the events, workshops and excursions.

She is also a teaching fellow in the School of History, where she contributes to several medieval modules.


This event will take place in The Sanderson Room, Third Floor, Leeds Central Library, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 3AB.

Booking details

This is a ticketed event. Please book your place at Ticket Source.


‘How Morgan Le Fay Gave a Shield to Sir Tristram’, from Le Morte D’Arthur, illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley. Special Collections, University of Leeds Libraries.