Towards the Blue Penninsula

The optional MA Design module DESN5441M Interdisciplinary Art and Design is having an exhibition in the student common room in the School of Design.

The students hope that everyone will enjoy their work and that you come to our celebration opening event on 11th May between 16:00 and 18:00. This coincides with a level 2 BA Art and Design Art trail.

The exhibition is open 10 to 16 May, Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 16:00.

The students have worked to a project brief; A Wunderkammer for Now. The title of the exhibition Towards the Blue Peninsula is a nod to the artist Joseph Cornell's piece dedicated to the poet Emily Dickinson and was devised and voted on by the students. 

Joseph Cornell is one of many artists who was intrigued by the possibilities of the relation of objects and identity was also inspired by window dressing, and the way in which these become tableau or theatrical. This is an instance of Design inspiring an Art practice.

Towards the Blue Peninsula - Information poster