"It's Very Personal": Sex and Relationships on the Problem Pages c.1960-1990

- Date: Thursday 23 March 2023, 18:00 – 19:00
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free
The School of History’s Katrina Honeyman memorial lecture is on Thursday 23rd March, at Leeds Central Library delivered by Prof. Tracey Loughran on the role of problem pages in the 1960s and 70s
This is a free public talk in memory of Katrina Honeyman, who was Professor of Social and Economic History and an esteemed and beloved colleague in the School of History, University of Leeds for many years. Professor Honeyman was a distinguished historian of women, industrialisation and business history, as well as an active mentor to women, postgraduates and early career scholars within the School.
Guest lecturer Tracey Loughran is Professor of History at the University of Essex, she researches women’s emotional, psychological, and bodily health in late twentieth-century Britain. Her work tries to explore the experiences of groups often marginalised in traditional histories.
The lecture will take place on Thursday 23rd March 2023. in Room 700 (first floor), Leeds Central Library, Calverley St. Refreshments at 5.30pm and the talk will begin at 6pm.. Entry is free, but tickets must be reserved. Book your place through the Leeds Libraries website.
To learn more on this talk, visit our news pages.
Image: Marjorie Proops, Daily Mirror advice columnist – Wikimedia commons