AHC Curriculum Redefined Conversation Series: Final Year Projects, Interdisciplinarity and Synoptic Assessment
- Date: Tuesday 19 July 2022, 16:00 – 17:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Join Dr. David Lewis (FBS), Dr. Caroline Starkey (PRHS) and Dr. Helen Finch (LCS) for an open conversation about the potential and practice of interdisciplinary Final Year Projects.
- How can we best make use of the Curriculum Redefined project to realise interdisciplinarity for undergraduates in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures?
- What possibilities are there for ‘synoptic assessment’ (assessing work across more than one module by one piece of assessment)?
- What are the barriers to synoptic assessment and to interdisciplinary work in our portfolio as currently configured?
- Can Final Year Projects (FYPs) be a way of realising the possibilities of interdisciplinarity and synoptic assessment? And what good practice is already ongoing in this area in the Faculty and beyond?
Dr. Helen Finch is Faculty Student Education Lead for Portfolio. She will talk about the potential for interdisciplinarity opened up by Curriculum Redefined, her experiences in working with interdisciplinary projects in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, and open up some questions about potential barriers and concerns about interdisciplinary FYPs.
Dr. David Lewis has already successfully led the ‘Capstone Project’ in FBS, which allows for a wide range of group projects, public engagement projects and other innovative interdisciplinary projects to be carried out within one School-wide FYP module. He’ll talk about how this model works in the Faculty of Biological Sciences. See: August | 2021 | PECOP Blog (lifescitrc.org).
Dr. Caroline Starkey is the programme leader for the interdisciplinary Liberal Arts programme, which spans three faculties. She will talk about the way that interdisciplinarity is built into the Liberal Arts programme and how this is then realised in the Final Year Project for the programme.
Please note that this event will now be taking place online via Teams. There will as usual be lots of time for discussion.