PRiA Supporting Professional Recognition in Student Education (PRiSE)

- Date: Friday 1 April 2022, 10:00 – 12:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Colleagues are very welcome to attend either or both sections of the event, which will take place on Microsoft Teams.
This year the annual PRiA event to support members of the Faculty in developing applications for Higher Education Academy (HEA) accreditation through the University of Leeds Professional Recognition in Student Education (PRiSE) scheme features at the conclusion of the Slow Conference. This is to create maximum opportunity for colleagues who are considering applying for professional accreditation or who already have HEA accreditation but are considering applying for a different level of Fellowship to reflect on their practice in light of the conference content. The event is split into two sections each designed to offer different forms of guidance on this process. The first hour will be a briefing on the PRiSE scheme outlining the application requirements and process involved. The second, supported by recent successful applicants from the Faculty, will be more informal allowing attendees to ask questions and/or seek advice on their application.
We would like to encourage all colleagues who are involved in supporting student learning to attend these sessions including postgraduate teaching assistants and colleagues who have had to adapt their teaching during the pandemic who wish to use these experiences as evidence of their practice in a PRiSE application. PRiSE is an inclusive scheme and welcomes applications for Fellowship from colleagues working in Professional Services.
Joining Instructions
Colleagues are very welcome to attend either or both sections of the event, which will take place on Microsoft Teams.
To access the Teams call you will need to be a member of the PRiA Teams Channel.
Once you have joined the PRiA Teams Channel, you can then join the event.
To aid with setting up the breakout rooms for the second section please e-mail Mark Shields (PRiA intern) to express interest in attending and to inform us which level of fellowship you are interested in applying for.
Before attending either section of the event, it would be helpful for participants to familiarise themselves with the UKPSF. This can be found in the PRiSE organisation in Minerva (in the Briefings page), alongside other useful resources to help you prepare your application for Fellowship. Please click here to self-enrol in the Minerva/VLE PRiSE area.
Section 1: Briefing (10am–11am)
This section will be a PRiSE Briefing led by Allie Mills, PRiSE scheme lead. The Briefing is aimed at colleagues who are unfamiliar with PRiSE and the process of applying for Fellowship of the HEA, or those who already hold a category of Fellowship but could do with a refresher on how to apply for a different category of Fellowship in the future.
The Briefing will explain:
- What Fellowship is and how the UK Professional Standards Framework for Learning and Teaching (UKPSF) relates to it;
- The different categories of Fellowship that you can apply for through PRiSE (Associate Fellowship; Fellowship; Senior Fellowship) and which category is most appropriate for you;
- How to make an application for Fellowship through the PRiSE scheme.
There will be an opportunity to ask any questions arising from the Briefing.
Section 2: Discussion/Q&A Session (11am–12pm)
This section offers a flexible format designed to support prospective applicants from FAHC. It will provide an opportunity to talk with successful applicants from within the Faculty in breakout rooms associated with the different levels of Fellowship. This session will also be supported by Allie Mills who will be available to answer questions about PRiSE application.