Visiting Artist's Talk — Blast Theory

For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk (VAT), we welcome Blast Theory.

Blast Theory is a pioneering artist group based in Brighton. They create interactive art to explore social and political questions, placing audience members at the centre of work.

Since 1991 they have been using interactive media to create ground-breaking new forms of performance and engagement that mix audiences across the internet, live performance and digital broadcasting.

Led by artists Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr and Nick Tandavanitj, Blast Theory draw on popular culture, technology and games, often blurring the boundaries between the real and the fictional. In virtual and physical spaces, from pubs, canals and abandoned warehouses to libraries, museums and apps, they go to unexpected places to make work that is accessible to everyone.

The Visiting Artists' Talks (VAT) series for 2020/21 welcomes eighteen guests across two semesters to join us live via Teams every Monday afternoon during teaching weeks.

Each session brings an arts professional to talk with us (as a community) about what they do and why, and to chat with the student body honestly about their career journey and interests.

All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but open to anyone else who would like to join us.

Event link

This talk will be hosted on MS Teams Live. The link can be found here.

For more information, please email Nick Thurston.


Blast Theory, Spit Spreads Death (2019). Live. Philadelphia. Photo credit: Tivern Turnbull.