Fashion Marketing Symposium - the changing fashion consumer

Focusing on the evolving consumer, this symposium explores two key drivers of change in the fashion industry: sustainability and digital technology.

Keynote speakers include Dr Kirsi Niinimäki from Aalto University and Dr Delia Vazquez from the University of Manchester.

In addition, the School of Design will present some of the research taking place within the fashion marketing group. There will also be opportunities for questions and a round-table discussion at the end of the day.

For a full programme of speakers and topics, visit the Fashion Marketing Symposium website.


Please register online before attending. Registration is free, however a £10 contribution from staff/professionals is requested; £5 from external students.


Clothworkers Central Building
School of Design
University of Leeds


The symposium is hosted by the School of Design in partnership with FMCd and the Academy of Marketing.