Lizzie Nolan
- Course: MA Art Gallery and Museum Studies
What made you want to apply to your MA Art Gallery and Museum Studies course?
I’m from Leeds originally and I studied Egyptology at Swansea for my undergraduate course and then lived in Scotland for a while, before coming back home to do my postgraduate course. I lived off-campus with my parents, who supported me through my degree. I wanted to apply to my course because I thought it would give me confidence and experience in my field, so that I could apply for the jobs I really wanted.
What aspects of the course did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the discussions in seminars, the new ideas and new people I met that challenged me. I also enjoyed the practical aspects – the project in the first term when we planned and ran our own gallery exhibition, and the placement in an active museum in the second term.
What would you say about Leeds as a city?
Leeds is and always will be my home. We have the best food, the best drink, and the friendliest people, and whatever it is you need you will find a place and a community here. Showing coursemates around has given me a new perspective on my home and encouraged me to try new things and go to events that I had never thought to go to before.
What would you say about the learning facilities in your School and at the University in general?
The staff are amazingly supportive and will do anything to help – you just have to ask. The Brotherton library is beautiful and atmospheric, and the new Laidlaw library is comfortable and modern, with great group work facilities.
What would you say to anyone thinking of applying to your course?
This is one of the best universities for this course, and one of the best cities you could live in for it. We are a vibrant and vital city for art, history and culture. The North and the regional art/heritage scene are where you can innovate, take a chance, and make a difference.
What do you plan to do now you’ve finished your course, and how do you think the skills and knowledge you’ve developed at Leeds will help with these plans?
I’m currently working with one of my ex-tutors on some research projects while searching for education-related jobs in the museum sector. My course has definitely equipped me with practical skills through the projects and placements, but also importantly it has equipped me with emotional skills through the group work, interactions and networking that make a huge part of the course.