Nichola Donnelly Media Communications Developer and Strategist

Nichola Donnelly Media Communications Developer and Strategist


Having spent most of my life in Leeds, as a true Native to Yorkshire, and also an ex student of The University of Leeds, it gives me great pleasure to be working here now in the role that I do, as Media and Comminications Developer and Srategist. My career began in Televiosn,working as a Presenter/Journalist and Actress, – and I have had the good fortune to be able to work all over the world and in the UK for various companies such as the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 SKY TV and mutiple radio stations. I havs also worked in the Corporate field in both Presentation, training and elerning for various platforms and businesses.

My role here at the University of Leeds, is such an exciting one for me, as it  emcompasses much of my work and life expericnce,  and also my passion to develop others in what is deemed as a daunting field. Having worked as a Presenter/Jourmalist and Actress all of my working life, and in the past decade developing and working in training, coaching and communication, it means that I am able to combine my love of working to the camera and in communication, with being able to develop other people in this field too. 

My career has meant that i have dealt with many an obstacle in a professiona that is cut throat, requires reactive and rapid responses, and is all done with other people eyes contsantly focused on you. Daunting yes- however with the correct skills  and techniques under your belt, that in time becomes engrained into your persona- what were obstacles, become challenges, and indeed challenges  that can be exciting to work througth. This is part of what I teach in my workshops, with both individual and groups.

My training and developement workshops combine everything from the basics of body language and tone of voice, to how we work infront of a camera, and how to analyse, practice, perfect and fine tune both performace and behaviour (when required).  The use of the video camera in my sessions- means that we can use an evaluation sytem that offers immediate visible reaults that I can work with in a besoke and unique way. Be it a presentation for a lecture- or at work, having pratice with interviews, or going back to basics and addressing basic body language and how we are perceived by others. and learning what that can bring from both a positive and negative angle.

Presentation and being able to present in the world that we live in today, is becoming more and more the norm- so having the skills and comfidece to do so, is becoming part of a requirement whatever the industry, – so I’m extremely excited and privaledged to be able to offer and share my experience and knowledge.


  • Media communications Developer and Strategist


  • BA Degree at The University of Leeds
  • NCTJ Journalism
  • PTTLS (AET) Training Qualification