Rui Leitão
- Position: Lecturer in Graphic and Communication Design
- Areas of expertise: User experience, gamification, educational technologies, and science communication
- Email: R.Leitao@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: 1.77
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I am a communication designer and researcher working from print to interactive displays. I am concerned with how media communicate with people in order to inform, educate, and engage them. Over the past years, I have been working on gamified mobile applications, researching and developing design research tools to evaluate and improve the user experience, increase the user's motivation and engagement (UX/UI).
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://ahc.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>- 'Shh! Encounters in the Unquiet Library' Seminar Series
- 'Irregular' Art Schools: Methods for Supporting the Professional Development of Learning Disabled Artists
- 'What’s on?' Rethinking class in the television industry
- (S)worn State(s)
- A Cultural History of Disability in Byzantium, c. 1000-1200
- A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem (AI4EU)
- A zero-sum game? Exploring a both-and approach to biological disorder and religious experience in relation to Christians who experience psychosis and/or mania
- Abuse in Religious Settings
- Accumulation and Empire
- Achieving healthy young minds
- Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture (AMASS)
- Aesthetic Form & Uneven Modernities
- Agents of Future Promise: The ideological use of children in culture and politics (Britain and France, c. 1880-c. 1950)
- Alone against Secularisation? Gender identity in Anglican and Catholic women (England-Spain, 1960-2015)
- An Intelligent Simulation Tool Connecting Consumer’s Sensory Requirements on Garment with Fabric Objective Tactile Properties
- Animal Desire: A Theory of Desire and Practical Rationality
- Animist Engagements: Creativity, Ecology and Indigeneity. Sadler Seminar Series 2019/20
- Antique Dealers: the British Antiques Trade in the 20th Century, a cultural geography
- Arctic Encounters
- Assessing core language skills at the beginning of secondary school in the Born-in-Bradford cohort
- Augmenting the Body: Disability, Care and the Posthuman
- Autism in Theology
- Back To Baselines in Circular Fashion and Textiles - Establishing a Baseline to Analyse the Sector’s Sustainability Status
- BAT Monitoring via novel Assays and smart Nano-electronics (BATMAN)
- Beyond Tomorrow. German Science Fiction and Utopian Thought in the 20th and 21st Century
- Bibliotherapy for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Biofilm Control in Ultra Low Temperature Laundry (BioCULT)
- Bradford’s National Museum
- Bridges
- Bridging The Gaps: Mixed Reality Performance of Chinese Opera in Rural and Urban Shanghai
- Bridging the Gaps: mixed reality performance of Chinese Opera in Shanghai's rural and urban heritage sites
- British Romantic Writing and Environmental Catastrophe
- Can Professional Institutions Save the World? Climate Change, Ethical Transformation, and the Lessons of History
- Centre for Cultural Value
- Centre for Hidden Histories
- Changing the Story: Building Inclusive Civil Societies with, and for, Young People in 5 Post-Conflict Countries
- Characterizing the effects of hearing loss and hearing aids on the neural code for music
- Chasing Status: The Sustainability of the Freelance Translation Profession in the United Kingdom
- Children's experience, understanding, and use of adjectives across the socioeconomic spectrum
- Chinese Theatre
- Climate Change, Ethics and Responsibility
- Co-creating guidelines for the use Q-BEx for language screening
- Co-designing methods with older people to understand the role of digital technologies in social isolation
- Co-producing Cultural Policy
- Coercive Control: From Literature into Law
- Colonial subjects and citizens in the French (Internal) Resistance
- Communicating Copyright: An Exploration of Copyright Discourses in the Digital Age
- Communicating the Pandemic: Improving Public Communication and Understanding
- Communication and Creativity
- Community Arts Against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal (CARAN)
- Community documentation of biocultural diversity in the eastern Yemeni province of al-Mahrah
- Computational Agent Responsibility
- Concentrationary Memories: The Politics of Representation
- Concepts of ‘honour’ in Islam and Muslim communities, and their impact on Muslim women: perceptions, praxis and new modalities
- Confusing Shadow with Substance
- Congruence Engine
- Consultancy Ethics
- Contested Territories: Latin America
- Correspondance générale de Benjamin Constant
- Corridor Talk: Conservation Humanities and the Future of Europe’s National Parks
- COVID-19: Impacts on the cultural industries and implications for policy
- Creating/Curating the Decolonial Classroom
- Creative Communities 1750-1830
- Crime, Punishment and Colonial Soldiers
- Cultural Participation, Stories of success, histories of failure (Failspace)
- Cultures of Intelligence: Military Intelligence Services in Germany, GB, and the USA, 1855-1947 (Britain, 1918-1947)
- Curating the City Collaboration with Pavilion
- Dante and Late Medieval Florence: Theology in Poetry, Practice and Society
- Death in Early Modern Venice
- Defining Freedom of the Press
- Deloneliness (Smart textile for monitoring and help to reduce loneliness)
- Dental Histories: Towards a Digital Museum
- Developing a Co-Produced, Digital and Living Archive of Learning Disability History
- Developing a youth-leadership programme for deaf children in, and beyond, South Africa
- Development assistance and independent journalism in Africa and Latin America: a cross-national and multidisciplinary research network
- Development of e-Government in Kuwait
- Development through the Creative Economy in China, reconnecting M50 creative cluster with Shanghai All-Female Yue Opera.
- Dialect and Heritage project
- Digital Community Workspaces: delivering impact through public library and archive networks
- Digital Data Analysis, Public Engagement and the Social Life of Methods
- Digital Explorations: Opening the Medieval Manuscript Fragments from the Ripon Cathedral Library
- Digital Library of Chinese Theatre
- Digital Tools in the Service of Difficult Heritage: How Recent Research Can Benefit Museums and their Audiences
- Documentary Films and Buddhist Performing Arts : innovative ways of engaging with Buddhist teachings and rethinking gender roles in modern Thai Buddhism
- Dostoevsky Now
- Downsizing: using environmental prompts to understand healthy portion control and appropriate food servings in children, adolescents and caregivers
- Early discourse competence in preschool children: An elicitation study
- echome: a wearable technology for sound and movement interaction [please note echome is all low fonts]
- Eco-criticism in Times of Crisis: Nature, Capital and Culture in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds
- eCoLoRe / eCoLoTrain / eColoMedia
- Electrifying the Country House
- Electrifying Women: Understanding the Long History of Women in Engineering.
- Elegia renascens: Latin love elegy collections from antiquity to the Renaissance
- Emergent Objects
- Empowering Women: Co-Producing Histories of Women and Energy in the Home
- Engendering East Asia: Conversations on Contemporary Art
- Engineering ethics and professionalism
- Engineering the Imagination: Disability, Prostheses and the Body
- Enhance Music
- Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe (ENHANCE)
- Epistolary Lives and the Making and Re-Making of First World War Archives
- EStages.UK. Spanish theatre in United Kingdom (1982-2019)
- Ethical Dating Online
- EU-MADE4LL - European Multimodal Digital Education for Language Learning
- EvIDence
- Experiences of Year Abroad in China
- Experiments in Land and Society, 1793-1833
- Explainable AI (XAI): A Creative Copilot for Interior Designers
- Exploring Diversity in an Interstitial Urban Locale: The LGBTQ Community of Ceuta
- Exploring psycholinguistic eye tracking methodologies and data analytic techniques
- Exploring the Democratic Role of News Media During Covid-19: Triangulating Digital News Outputs, Journalists’ Professional Reflections, and Audiences’ Experiences in the UK and Germany
- Extinction as cultural heritage? Exhibiting human-nature entanglements with extinct and threatened species
- Fabulous Femininities: Extravagant Costume and Transformative Thresholds
- Family Sagas in World Literatures and Audio-Visual Cultures: Reimagining Nations Across the Globe
- Fate and Choice in Edgar Reitz's Heimat
- Fatherhood in Britain, c.1914-60
- Feminist Horror Cinema
- Ferrante Fever in Leeds
- Film Costumes in Action
- FoodWasteNet - AnthoLip
- Fragmented Geographies: Japanese and German Fieldwork on the New Colonial Peripheries of Northeast Asia, 1925-1950
- Framing the Lyric Subject Matter: Prose Headings in Italian Books of Poetry (c.1450-c.1650)
- Frederic Forster's Mourning Warehouse and the disappearing trade in female mourning wear in Leeds, UK 1849-1923
- From Over-Estimation to Under-Estimation: The Trajectory of Political Islam in the MENA Countries
- Future Fashion Factory
- Gamifying Urban Change: Willingness to Pay as Key to Citizen-Centred Approaches
- GCRF Development Awards: The hidden peace-builders
- GCRF Sexuality and Religion Network in East Africa
- Generic Visuals in the News: the role of stock photos and simple data visualizations in assembling publics
- Genetics and Biocolonialism in Contemporary Literature and Film
- Georgic
- German Operetta in London and New York, 1907-1939: Cultural Transfer and Transformation
- God and Human Speech: A Planning Grant in Comparative Science-Engaged Theology
- God and the Book of Nature
- God, Language and Diversity: Spiritual Flourishing in Neurodiverse and Multilingual Communities
- GPs Reaching Out Work (GROW)
- Group thinking: new foundations
- Harewood’s Electricity Story
- Harold Pinter: Histories and Legacies
- Hearing Aids for Music: Exploring the music listening behaviour of people with hearing impairments
- Hearts of Oak: Caring for British Woodlands
- Hematopolitics: A Comparative Study of Reciprocity and Exclusion in the Blood Economy
- Hematopolitics: Blood Donation and Contested Belonging in East Asia
- Heritage with and without the State
- Heritages and Utopias: Possibility Thinking for Living Together
- Hidden Histories of Environmental Science partnership seed fund
- Higher Education Academy
- Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) ethical review
- Histories of Women in the British Film and Television Industries, 1933-89
- Home, Community and Belonging
- Home, Crisis and the Imagination
- Hope and Homes for Children KTP: Building Accountability to Young People in Youth Focussed Development
- How variable is speech, how reliable are single recordings? Assessing the medium-term dynamics of speech through iterative data collection
- HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test taker characteristics, test performance and implications for HSK test constructs
- Hugh Davies: Electronic Music Innovator
- HyghTra
- Identity and Governance of Bodily Extensions: The Case of Prosthetics and Avatars
- Imagining Posthuman Care
- Imagining Technologies for Disability Futures
- Imagining the Place of Home
- Immunofluorescence labelling and the exploration of process-led sculpture making
- Impact Acceleration Account 2019
- Imprecise Probability Models of Rational Belief
- Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright
- Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright (Follow-on Project)
- In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
- Inclusive Art for Wicked Problems: Innovating Creative Methods for Systems Change with Learning Disabled Artists and Their Facilitators
- INCLUsive Digital Economy Network+: Exploring how social and digital environments can be built, shaped and sustained to enable all people to thrive
- Inclusive Robotics for a better Society (INBOTS)
- Information design for sustainability
- Information in Climate Change Adaptation in rural Kenya: a pilot field study
- Innovating in Combat: Telecommunications and Intellectual Property in the First World War
- Instrumentalising Electronic Sound, 1945-75
- Intake (Multifunctional nanocomposite material for hybrid energy harvesting)
- IntelliText
- Intercultural Communication in Interaction: multimodal approaches
- Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Industry and Literature, 1770-1830
- International Audience Research Network
- International Development and Intellectual Property: The Impact of Seed Exchange and Replacement on Innovation among Small-Scale Farmers in India
- Investigating and responding to teachers’ beliefs of the integration of variation in Arabic school teaching
- Jez Hattosh-Nemeth : ‘Maritimia’ exhibition, ‘Sealine’ performance, ‘Lavernock’ installation
- John Cage and the Concert for Piano and Orchestra
- John Harper : Broken and Breaking Ground
- Kelly
- Lactam based biofilm-ready surfaces with cross-industry applications
- Land Lines: British Nature Writing, 1789-2014
- LangCorp
- Language and Language Use
- Language and Nature in Southern and Eastern Arabia
- Laughter from the Grassland: Humour and Comedy in Amdo Tibet
- Leading Minds
- Leeds Animal Studies Network
- Leeds Russian Centre
- Leeds Voices: Communicating superdiversity in the market
- Legacies of War: Culture and the Arts
- Les Femmes s'entêtent: Feminism, writing, art and film 1975-2015
- Letterpress Printing: Past, Present, Future
- Life on the Outskirts: Making Sense of a Creative Life
- Lifting the Lid on Bacteria': Designing ambient communications to improve hygiene in primary school toilets
- Linguistic diversity and accent bias in Higher Education and beyond
- Linked Early Modern Drama Online
- LITE Excellence and Innovation fellowship
- Literature Project Award 2021
- Living with Dying: Everyday Cultures of Dying within Family Life in Britain, c.1900-50
- LivingBodiesObjects: Technology and the Spaces of Health
- LivItaly: Bringing Italian culture to Yorkshire
- Longinus Reunited: On Sublimity in Context
- Love Letters and Erotic Letters: Antiquity and Beyond
- Magister Mundi? Hermann Hesse's Global Impact
- Making the Science(s) of Coal: the changing role of miners and savants, 1660–1880
- ManyBabies1: Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference
- Mapping contemporary art in the heritage experience: Creation, Consumption and Exchange
- Mapping New Geographies of Cultural Production in Brazil through Pontos de Cultura
- Marginalisation and the Law
- Martin Thomas Memorial Art Project
- Masculinity through the lens of power and violence in post-WW2 British and French children’s literature
- Maternal mortality in East Africa
- Medfrench
- Media, Conflict and Democratisation (MeCoDEM)
- Mediated climate change politics: the epistemology and performance of contested digital truth claims
- Medieval history texts in translation
- Mediterranean Gypsies
- Men, Masculinity and Maternity in Britain, from the 1950s to the Present
- Mental Suffering, the Experience of Beauty and Well-Being
- Meta-Alethic Expressivism: A New Theory of Thinking and Saying What is True
- Meta-Alethic Expressivism: A New Theory of Thinking and Talking about Truth
- Middlebrow culture in Europe 20th/21st centuries
- Mobilising the Masses: Appeals to Emotion in German Political Writing, 1871–1933
- Moving Between The Lines
- Moving Mountains: Memory, Identity, and the Geological Imaginary after Landslide Disasters
- Mull Transect
- MultiLingual Minds and Factors Affecting MultiLingual Outcomes
- Music for Girls: Women's Knowledge Cultures of Popular Music
- MUSICSTREAM: Music Culture in the Age of Streaming
- MyExhibition
- National Inquiry into Ethical Decision Making in the NHS
- National Network for Interpreting
- Nationalist polarization and the fight over climate change: how nationalism is shaping the politics of climate skeptics and activists in the US and Canada
- Network Plus in Circular Fashion and Textiles – Programme Coordination Team (PCT)
- New statistical methods to analyse psycholinguistic data
- New Uses of Screens in Post-Lockdown Britain
- Newcomers in the City: Reading Japanese and Chinese Literary Modernism in the Inter-war Period
- Non-formal education for youth-led change
- NWH Research Project template
- Of Comradeship and Sisterhood: A Political History of 'Die Gleichheit', 1891-1917
- Opening Up the Cecil Roth Collection
- Origins of Firepower
- Ottoman Pasts, Present Cities: Cosmopolitanism and transcultural memories
- Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Parameters & Practice: A Year of Tasks for Creative Collaboration
- Participatory tools for human development with the youth
- Pas en Avant: Community Integration through Dance-Based Pedagogy in the Lake Chad Region
- Pastoral Care, Literary Cure and Religious Dissent: Zones of Freedom in the British Atlantic (c. 1630-1720)
- Performance, Politics, Piety
- Performing Landscapes: Mountains
- Performing the Jewish Archive
- Performing Violence
- Persons as Animals: Understanding the Animal Bases of Agency, Perceptual Knowledge and Thought
- Petrarch Commentary and Exegesis in Renaissance Italy, c.1350-c.1650
- Photography and Atrocity
- PIN: Postcolonial Intellectuals and their European Publics
- Players of Colour: Exploring the subcultural experiences of PoC geeks
- Poetical Animals: Aristotle, Anthropology, and Poetry
- Polyester Infinity: Carbon Dioxide-based Polyester Dyeing and Recycling in a Textile Circular Economy
- Popular Cultures Research Network
- Post-Work: Framing Labour in Post Industrial Europe
- Predictive Analytics, Identities and Cultures of Prevention
- Process Automation for Localisation of Dialogue in Entertainment Media (PALODIEM)
- Professionalism in Banking
- Promoting language development via shared reading
- Psychopathology and religious experience: could someone be experiencing a mental illness and having a religious experience at one and the same time?
- Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms (PSM-AP)
- Pulling a thread: Unravelling the trail of modern slavery in the fashion and textile industry
- Quanticode and the Ethics of Data Analytics
- Quantifying bilingual language experience: Optimising tools for educators, clinicians and researchers
- Re-archiving the Individual: British Army Officers, 1790-1820
- Re-emergence 2012
- ReadingCorp
- Real Integrity Project
- Referential communication and executive function skills in bilingual children
- Reform and Clerical Authority: Comparative Perspectives, c. 1000-1200
- Reimagining a True Social Order
- Rejuvenation Research
- Religion and Extinction Network
- Remembering what matters': Nature, culture and autism
- Representation of transnational human trafficking in present-day news media, true crime, and fiction
- Representing Postcolonial Disaster
- Reproducing Renaissance Drama
- Respond
- Rethinking Holocaust Literature: Contexts, Canons, Circulations
- Rethinking Patent Cultures
- Revolutionising Waterless Textile Dyeing
- Romain (Robotic inspection and repair of wind turbine composite blade)
- Routes to Content
- Sacred Queer Stories: The Ugandan LGBT Refugees Life Story Project
- Safeguarding minoritised languages in a global world: protecting and promoting the Galician language.
- Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry Project
- Science for the People: Popular Print and the Making of the Victorian World
- Science-engaged theology
- Scientific Realism and the Quantum
- Scientific realism reinvigorated: How to think about scientific progress and knowledge in the 21st century
- Screening European Heritage: History on Film, the Heritage Industry and Cultural Policy
- Security Consultancy
- Seismic Cities
- Sex and the Sacred: Queering Black Performing Arts in Cape Town, South Africa
- Sexuality and Religion Network in East Africa
- Signs beyond borders: Meaning-making across sign and spoken languages
- Site and Smell: an immersive performance of olfactory-spatial memory
- Skipton’s First World War Prisoner-of-War Camp
- Smart Multifunctional textile with printed electronics to promote healthy ageing in musculoskeletal conditions
- Social Choreography Network
- Social Distancing and Development
- Social Issues in Primetime Television: Production Processes and Audience Responses
- Social Photography Research Group
- Soft Power, Cinema and the BRICS
- Soldiers and soldiering in Britain, c.1750 to 1815
- Sounds from the Bunker: aural culture and the remainder of the Cold War
- Space of Place
- SPARKLE: Sustaining Practice Assets for Research, Knowledge, Learning and Engagement
- Speaker identity in metaphor processing
- Spectacular Subjects: Modernism, Gender and Visuality in Interwar Japan
- Speech tempo perception and missing sounds
- Spoken Language, Standards and Inequality in Schools
- St Vincent and the Grenadines code of ethics
- Staging China
- Stigma and Shame? Challenging Menstrual Taboo Through Time
- STOP fibrous microplastic pollution from textiles by elucidating fibre damage and manufacturing novel textiles
- Strangers: Migration and Multilingualism in Early Modern London
- Strike Stories - Opening the archives on the miners' strike 1984-85
- Sudan revolution archive: songs, chants and poems of the 2019 Sudanese revolution
- Suicide Voices: Narratives of Trauma in the Globalised Workplace
- Suicide Voices: Neoliberal Globalisation and Workplace Trauma
- Sumak Kawsay and the Sustainable Development Agenda: Critical Debates and Creative Responses from a Latin American Indigenous Perspective
- Syllables, segments and how to measure speech tempo: Evidence from listening experiments
- Tackling antimicroibal resistance (AMR) in schools
- Tales of Sexuality and Faith: The Ugandan LGBT Refugee Life Story Project
- Talking about Things
- The Bantu-Romance connection
- The Buddhist Retreat Project: Tracing the contours of the sacred and secular in contemporary British Buddhism
- The Business of Fashion, Textiles and Technology Collaborative R&D Partnership
- The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson
- The circulation of Spanish books and their impact on English drama, 1604–1625
- The Complete Works of John Marston
- The Cultural Life of Money and Finance
- The Dissenting Atlantic: Archives and Unquiet Libraries, 1776-1865
- The Documentation and Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Modern South Arabian
- The Effect of Literary Genre on Authorial Style: A Computational Stylistics Analysis of English Renaissance Plays, Poems, and Narrative Prose
- The Error Network
- The Ethics of Medical Photography: Past, Present, and Future
- The Extinction Network
- The Family Archive: Exploring Family Identities, Memories and Stories Through Curated Personal Possessions
- The Garden of Forking Paths: material-indeterminacy driving open-form composition for clarinets
- The Hercules Project
- The Hidden Peacebuilders Network
- The idea, context, framing and realities of 'Sikh radicalisation' in Britain
- The Impact of Covid-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE)
- The impact of information design on improving obesity prevention among university students
- The Inner Music and Wellbeing Network
- The Joust as Performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry
- The Midsomer Norton Dig Project
- The Nature of Representation
- The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR)
- The Operas of Thomas Adès
- The Other City: Social Exclusion and Care in Urban Japan
- The Other From Within: Indian Anthropologists and the Birth of the Nation
- The PAR3TY project - PAR3 for Teens and Young Adults Living with Cancer
- The phonetics and phonology of Modern South Arabian: Mehri and Shehret
- The politics of religious infrastructure: Christian and Muslim urban worlds in Africa
- The politics of religious infrastructure: Christian and Muslim urban worlds in Africa
- The Professional Career and Output of Trevor Jones
- The Reception of Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche
- The risks of childbirth in historical perspective (2016-2018)
- The Role of Collections and Archives in Art Practice
- The Sacred Landscapes of Medieval Monasteries: An inter-disciplinary study of meaning embedded in space and production
- The Senses and the Meanings of Modernity in East Asia
- The Sheridan Project
- The Shiloh Project
- The Society of Authors, 1884-1914: Professional Association and Literary Property
- The State of Science: Governing Knowledge of Nature in Victorian Britain
- The Survivor Group: countering stigma and isolation among Boko Haram survivors through community storytelling
- The Thomas Nashe Project
- The Tim Hetherington collection and conflict imagery network
- The Transcultural Fantastic
- The uses of the past: History and social memory in Northern Ireland 1980-20
- The Weight of the Past in Franco-British Relations
- The Western Indian Ocean in the First Millennium CE
- The Woman Reader Project
- The Year of the Dealer
- Theatricality and Interrelations between Art, Film and Theatre
- Transforming the Cultural & Heritage Sector’s Data Infrastructure: A pilot study to establish a cultural data observatory
- Transnational Holocaust Memory
- Trials Engagement in Children and Adolescents (TRECA)
- Troubling the National Brand and Voicing Hidden Histories: Historical Drama as a tool for International Development and Community Empowerment
- UK-China Song of the Female Textile Workers: past, present and the future
- Uncoupling Heteropatriarchy in African Feminism: Unmarried Women and Indigenous Knowledges of Gender and Sexuality among the Shona of Zimbabwe
- Unheard Voices: The Poetry of the Gallipoli Campaign
- US Slavery and Yorkshire Anti-Slavery: Forgotten Narratives from the Leeds Archive
- Using digital tools in heritage
- Using Digital Tools to Challenge Xenophobia and Support International Development in South Africa
- Using Film to Examine Heritage, Identity and Global Citizenship: supporting the work of the Bautzen Memorial to Engage New Audiences
- Virtual Holocaust Memoryscapes
- Visualising the UK General Election 2015 TV Debates
- Vital Circulations: A framework for understanding social dynamics in and beyond a pandemic
- Vital Circulations: Bodily Fluids in Bioeconomy
- Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves
- Weaving with Stones
- WebDoc
- What is History on Film? The Case of Italian Cinema 1911-2010
- Whose Voices?
- William Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu: celebrating a 400 year legacy
- Women, Ageing and Machine Learning on Screen
- Work-related Suicide. An International Social Justice Analysis
- Writing the Revolution. The Construction of '1968' in Germany
- Yemen in Conflict: Popular literary heritage as expression of conflict and tool for conflict resolution
- ‘Self-worth as a community asset: co- authoring burlesque’s protected and deregulated spaces as good practice’
- “Reading to Learn” – cognitive processes involved in learning Chinese characters
- Institute for Medieval Studies opportunities
- Inter-disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre opportunities
- School of Design opportunities
- School of English opportunities
- School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies opportunities
- School of History opportunities
- School of Languages, Cultures and Societies opportunities
- School of Media and Communication opportunities
- School of Music opportunities
- School of Performance and Cultural Industries opportunities
- School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science opportunities