In betweens exhibition

This event exhibition can be seen at Ex Libris Gallery, Fine Art Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Monday to Friday.

In this new exhibition, ‘in betweens’, artists and School of Design Lecturers Dr Eirini Boukla and Deborah Gardner bring their work together to consider uncertainty and flux between process and outcome, employing craft, collage, and sculptural assemblage as modes of making to perplex set categories of art disciplines and their material form. Networks, overlaps and connectives are structural devices in this body of work, which are inspired by such things as the study of plant growth structures, energy conductive systems, and the influence of applied making as a source for spontaneous and fluid movement in space, which breaks away from rigid underpinning.

Repurposed materials, such as electrical waste and cardboard, are frequently used in the exhibition to explore the generative power of materials to create new meanings. Colour is pivotal and often adds an unspecified or more frantic element to the narrative of these works. Each colour has a physical or compositional role in determining the final systems and structures.

image1 (in betweens E Boukla and D. Gardner i)i.  left Eirini Boukla, title Catch 10, 2023. Materials: Found cardboard box, gouache, wool yarn.
right, Deborah Gardner, title Conduction, 2023.  Materials: repurposed copper pipe and wire, electrical waste cable and clay beads


Header image: (in betweens E Boukla and D. Gardner).  left Eirini Boukla, title Catch 10, 2023. Materials: Found cardboard box, gouache, wool yarn.
right, Deborah Gardner, title Conduction, 2023.  Materials: repurposed copper pipe and wire, electrical waste cable and clay beads

image 2: (in betweens) left to right Catch 10, 2023, Conduction, 2023, Hot Pod, 2023, Catch 6 & Catch 9, 2023. Found cardboard box, gouache, mohair, silk yarn, electric waste cable, mixed media