Art & Class
You are invited to a talk and Q&A with David Kennedy, the author of Art & Class: How the middle classes hijacked the nation's galleries.
Music Research Seminar: Carlo Cenciarelli
Carlo Cenciarelli (Cardiff University) will join us to present on ‘Selling Stereophonic Intimacy: Headphone Sharing in Cinema and Beyond’
Fragmented Fibres (incl. Mircroplastics) Symposium
This symposium brings together the research held at the School of Design - University of Leeds and LITAC on ‘Fragmented Fibres’ in collaboration with academic and industry partners across the world
The Church and the Far Right
A presentation and question-and-answer session on The Church, the Far Right, and the Claim to Christianity with Revd Dr Helen Paynter
Research Seminar: ‘Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms’
This seminar draws on policy, organisation and interface analysis to explore the impact of platformisation on the strategies and practices of public service media organisations across Europe
Music Research Seminar: Katalin Koltai
Katalin Koltai (Royal Academy of Music) will join us to present on 'Open Frets Guitar: Transforming Guitar Textures in Arrangements and New Music'
- One day event
- Reoccuring events