Peng Qiao

Peng Qiao


I completed my PhD at the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds in 2024. My doctoral project, titled “Towards a Carnivalesque Interpretive Community of Chinese Internet Literature”, was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Frances Weightman and Dr. Sarah Dodd.

I join the Faculty of Translation Studies in the School of Foreign Studies at the University of Science and Technology Beijing as a lecturer in 2025. Additionally, I work as a freelance English-to-Chinese translator and as a Chinese-language voice actor and supervisor for audio guide recordings at tourist sites in the UK and Ireland.

In January 2025, I began my role as an LCS Post-Doctoral Fellow, continuing my research on CIL and Translation Studies. Additionally, I am working on developing my doctoral thesis into a monograph.




Peer-reviewed journal articles

2024: On the dynamic interplay of macro and micro contexts in translation: A case study of Cardi B’s subtitled Chinese bullet-screen videos on Bilibili during the China-United States tensions of Trump’s presidency. Babel, 70(1/2), pp. 40–63.

—— (with Yuqi Hu) A comparative study on the transcultural (re-)reception of The Untamed and its queerness with Chinese characteristics. Communication, Culture & Critique, 17(3), pp. 152–161.

—— (with Wenqian Zhang) The production of girls’ love narrative in Couple of Mirrors (2021) through transmedia storytelling in contemporary China. Continuum, 38(5), pp. 676–690.


Chapters in edited books

2025 (forthcoming in March 27): Fans and Their Utterances in the Communications Circuit of Chinese Internet Literature. In: Dominica Ciesielska, Nicolle Lamerichs and Agata Zarzycka (eds.) Affect in Fandom: Fan Creators and Productivity. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

——(forthcoming in June 3): Cross-cyberspace, Gender Stereotypes, and Conflicts in Fan Danmu and Reaction Videos of Web Series. In: Simone Driessen, Bethan Jones and Benjamin Litherland (eds.) Participatory Culture Wars: Controversy, Conflict, and Complicity in Fandom. Iowa: University of Iowa Press.


Invited papers

2023: 《流浪地球2》的“英国流浪计划” (“The wandering-in-Britain plan” of The Wandering Earth II). 世界科幻动态 (World Science Fiction Frontier), (1), pp. 34–41.

2022: 中国网络文学译介与传播的“伞式”“蜂窝式”模式 ——以Webnovel与Wuxiaworld为例 (The “umbrella” and “beehive” models of translating and disseminating Chinese internet literature: case study of Webnovel and Wuxiaworld). 长江丛刊 (Yangtze River Series), (7), pp. 130–136.



2025: (with Wenqian Zhang) Producing and adapting girls’ love narrative through intersemiotic translation in contemporary China: the case of Couple of Mirrors (2021). The 11th European Society for Translation Studies (EST), University of Leeds, the UK.

2022: Is translation integral: world literature in the digital communications circuit.

The International Association of Comparative Literature (ICLA) XXIII Congress, Tbilisi, Georgia, from 24 to 29 July 2022.

2019: New research in genre fiction. Symposium – Genre Fiction in Contemporary China, and its Reception in the West. Leeds Centre for New Chinese Writing, University of Leeds, the UK.


Translated books

Forthcoming: 《关于确定性,你需要知道》(TBC), English-to-Chinese translation from Needing to Know for Sure: A CBT-Based Guide to Overcoming Compulsive Checking and Reassurance Seeking ( by Martin N. Seif and Sally M. Winston), Beijing Science and Technology Publishing.

2021: 《生酮!深入细胞层面解读有关生酮饮食的一切》, English-to-Chinese translation from The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis (by Jacob Wilson and Ryan Lowery), Beijing Science and Technology Publishing.

2020: 《蔬食圣经》, English-to-Chinese translation from The Vegetable Butcher: How to Select, Prep, Slice, Dice, and Masterfully Cook Vegetables from Artichokes to Zucchini (by Cara Mangini), Beijing Science and Technology Publishing.


Selected translation projects

2022: (With Wenqian Zhang and Wenxi Li) Wandering Indoors, Chinese-to-English translation from 《室内游荡》 (by 西川Xi Chuan), (1), Writing Chinese: A Journal of Contemporary Sinophone Literature, 1(1), pp. 26–36.

2020: Translation reviewer for the volunteer group FightCOVID.

2019: providing translations for China Sports Culture Expo & China Sports Tourism Expo, CIFTIS 2019 China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services, China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair, World Winter Sports (Beijing) Expo, etc.

2018-2020: English-to-Chinese documentary translations of How It’s Made (ep11, 13), North Woods Law (ep3), I was Prey (ep11), Alaska—The Last Frontier (s8 ep1).

Research interests

Beyond researching and theorising reading activities in the domain of Chinese Internet Literature (CIL), my research interests extend to the transmedial adaptation of CIL, its fan communities, and its intercultural dissemination and reception.

My academic background in Translation Studies (MA, BA) informs my interdisciplinary approach to exploring CIL, translation, social media, readers (fans), popular culture, and intercultural communication — particularly within the contexts of Chinese internet culture and folk traditions.

<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • 2019-2024: PhD. Title of the PhD Thesis: Towards a carnivalesque interpretive community of Chinese i
  • 2017-2018: Master in Applied Translation Studies, University of Leeds, the UK.
  • 2013-2017: Bachelor with Honours (First Class) in Translation and Interpreting Studies, University o
  • 2013-2017: Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Hebei Normal University, PR