
Results 13 to 18 of 22 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Exhibition photo

For this week’s Visiting Artist’s Talk we welcome designer and artist Boris Maas to introduce us to the processes and cares behind his solo exhibition at The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery.

The limits of state-sponsored media

This talk presents two projects on China's media influence in Africa: one examines Chinese satellite TV in rural Kenya, and the other one focuses on Chinese content in African digital news outlets

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures events archive | Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures | University of Leeds

The School of History invites you to join us for Professor Dossett's inaugural lecture, entitled 'Changing the Script: Women as History Makers'.

Image depicting Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, featuring seating, stage area, pianos and lighting.

The Marsyas Trio performs new works by current and outgoing composition students: Ed Cooper, Niki Zodhi, Ben Finlay, and James Evans.

Photo of Tom Flynn speaking at the Parthenon Galleries of the Acropolis Museum

For this week’s Visiting Artist’s Talk we welcome art historian, former journalist and art-markets expert Tom Flynn to demystify what emerging artists need to know about how art markets actually work.

School of Music, Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall with instruments set up

Terra Invisus is a contemporary music trio, dedicated to pushing musical and sonic boundaries through free improvisation, and the performance of new commissions and contemporary works.

  • One day event
  • Reoccuring events