Chantal Akerman Symposium

Elspeth Mitchell is one of a number of speakers at the BFI's Chantal Akerman Symposium which offers a deep dive into Chantal Akerman’s work through a series of talks and discussions.

The Chantal Akerman Symposium is a day of talks and discussions providing a deeper exploration of the various facets of Akerman’s oeuvre.

The symposium will open with a Key Scholar Lecture by Ivone Margulies (esteemed Akerman scholar and Professor at Hunter College, City University of New York), presented in partnership with Department of Film Studies, King’s College London. Scholar, critic and writer B. Ruby Rich will close the symposium with a talk on ‘Rethinking Chantal Akerman: Life and Legacy’.

Elspeth Mitchell will speak at an afternoon session on ‘Chantal Akerman: Girl, cinephilia and history’ (2.20pm to 2.55pm).

Focusing on two films, Portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles and Saute ma ville, Elspeth’s talk will take up the girl, a recurring figure in Akerman's films, to illuminate forms of cinephilia, cinema history and Akerman's formation as a filmmaker.

About Elspeth Mitchell

Elspeth Mitchell is a lecturer in feminism and visual culture at the University of Leeds.


BFI Southbank
Belvedere Road
South Bank
London SE1 8XT

More information and buy tickets

Find out more about the Chantal Akerman Symposium, including the full programme and ticket information.


Production photograph, Portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles (dir. Chantal Akerman, Belgium, 1994). Collections Cinematek / Chantal Akerman Foundation. © Jean-Michel Vlaeminckx / Cinergie.