Futuring Interculturality

- Date: Wednesday 13 November 2024, 13:00 – 15:00
- Location: Newlyn Building, 24 Mount Preston Street
- Cost: Free
‘Futuring Interculturality’ reconceptualises interculturality and its contexts of application to investigate the many diversified boundaries dividing people and possibilities for crossing them
Calling all colleagues, PGRs and students!
We'd like to invite you to contribute to Futuring Interculturality, by registering here to participate in the project launch event on Wednesday 13th November 1-3pm, in Newlyn SR GR.01 (with refreshments) - attendance online also possible.
We want to involve colleagues and students from all key areas of the University: We aim to shape the future of interculturality at Leeds through a virtuous cycle of research, teaching, professional services, PGRs’ and students’ experiences and practices as mutually informing each other.
The event will discuss the rationale behind the project and how to shape its activities. It is intended to be a working group and idea-generating event with all those interested in collaborating on the topic.
The event will also host a research prompt on interculturality in unexpected places, by Dr Lou Harvey (School of Education) presenting her work on Neuroqueering for hospitable (intercultural) futures, which will give us the chance to start addressing one of the project research questions, i.e., “What challenges and possibilities arise when applying an intercultural lens beyond international/interethnic/interlingual contexts?” - see the abstract of her talk below.
You can register here to attend the event, either in person (with refreshments!) or online.
For a blurb on the core ideas behind the project, see here.
We hope to see many of you on 13 November. If you have any questions before then, please email e.adami@leeds.ac.uk