Reading and Writing Bodies in Space – Practice Notes # 1

- Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024
- Location: Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Friday 8 March 2024
- Cost: Free
In this series of workshops, the Reading and Writing Bodies in Space research group will share their research via a series of workshops and gallery exhibits.
Reading and Writing Bodies in Space explore language as a spatial, temporal, material and social practice through the production of ‘publications’ in a variety of formats (artist books, chapbooks, alternative cartographies, workshops and performance).
They have been active as a research group since the autumn of 2022 and meet online bi-monthly and in-person twice a year. Meetings offer group members the opportunity to share readings, read and write together and participate in workshops based on each other's research interests.
The group devise embodied site-oriented workshops that endeavour to explore how the senses interpret the world and facilitate experience. Often a workshop’s aim is to turn (or fold) a sense or senses interpretation of the world back on itself in order to explore and repurpose experience ahead of its emergence in language. Indeed, the very possibility of this process is an open question explored by the group by probing and prodding language processing systems such as artificial intelligence, dialogue, and the body.
For Practice Notes # 1 members of the group will share their research via a series of workshops and gallery exhibits. The workshops on offer have emerged from member's participation in the group over the last 18 months. They are offered to students, staff and postgraduate researchers at the University of Leeds in this format as insight into ongoing area(s) of concern.
Most of the workshops will produce ephemera and this will remain in the Project Space for the remainder of the exhibition. This will be accompanied by Kay Channon's text work AI and SEE, that participants can engage with at any time throughout the course of the three-day event. Anyone else is welcome to pop in to see the exhibition outside of workshop times.
Book your place
To participate in a workshop, please reserve your place by emailing Benjamin Jenner at or Louise Adkins at
Details of the programme of workshops can be found below. Places are limited so please sign-up as soon as possible. You will receive an email to confirm your place.
Project Space
School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
University Road
Leeds LS2 9JT
Please arrive 10 minutes ahead of the workshop start time for a prompt start.
The WALKING BETWEEN WOR[L]DS WITH LINES workshop will take place in Sugarwell Hill Park. Participants should meet in Project Space before heading out together to the park.
Programme of workshops
Day one: Wednesday 6 March
12:00–13:00 – Project Opening (Louise Adkins)
14:00–16:00 – ASMR Sounds Caper (Daniella Watson Hughes)
Gallery exhibits: 10:00–18:00 – AI and SEE (Kay Channon)
Day two: Thursday 7 March
10:00–12:00 – Instructions for Art (Simon Lewandowski; facilitated by Louise Adkins and Benjamin Jenner)
14:00–18:00 – WALKING BETWEEN WOR[L]DS WITH LINES (Benjamin Jenner)
Gallery exhibits: 10:00–18:00 – AI and SEE (Kay Channon) and ephemera from day one
Day three: Friday 8 March
11:00–12:30 – Artist Talk: Melissa Tanti
14:00–16:00 – Intimancy at a distance through haptic, lens-based exploration (Claudia Brazzale and Blake Morris)
16:30–18:00 – Closing event (opportunity to experience the ephemera produced from across the three days)
Gallery exhibits: 10:00–18:00 – AI and SEE (Kay Channon) and ephemera from days one and two
More information
For further details about the workshops (or the Reading and Writing Bodies in Space group and its members), please email Benjamin Jenner or email Louise Adkins.
Benjamin Jenner, Detail from WALKING BETWEEN WOR[L]DS WITH LINES.