Supporting selfhood and agency in couples with dementia through embodied and relational musical engagement - Music Research Colloquia

- Date: Thursday 30 November 2023, 16:30 – 17:30
- Location: Music
- Type: Seminar series
- Cost: Free
A presentation by Justin Christensen, University of Sheffield.
Group musical activities have been shown to positively impact the relationships of people living with dementia and their family caregivers, but we are still at an early stage of understanding the mechanisms of how this might work.
In this talk I will present on a positive outlook on dementia, examining the strengths that continue in people living with dementia, as evidenced by how they engage in musical activities.
I will especially focus on how people living with dementia can continue to thrive in their embodied and relational ways of being and interacting with others, as well as the benefits that musical engagement can provide to selfhood and agency.
About Justin Christensen
Justin Christensen is a researcher, composer and performer who is a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield working on the development of music technology for people living with dementia.
He is researching on the benefits for people living with dementia to engage with others when performing meaningful music together as part of a UKRI Future leaders fellowship with Jenni MacRitchie.
His previous research has also focused on the behavioural mechanisms and musical cues that affect the sense of agency experienced while playing music together, and on on the temporal and interpersonal musical experience.
Join the event
Join in person in Music LT2 or online via Zoom at the scheduled time.
This event is part of the 2023-24 School of Music Research Colloquia.