Supporting and Surfacing Academic Skills in the Curriculum

- Date: Wednesday 27 October 2021, 14:00 – 16:00
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free
This PRiA event aims to share some of the existing good practice within the Faculty of AHC and across campus, and to provide some tools for embarking on this work within programmes and schools.
Click here to join the meeting.
The Surfacing Skills project is exploring how to support students and graduates to understand, reflect upon and articulate the learning and skills gained through their specific degree programme. This approach, focusing on the curriculum, is important as it offers equity, enabling all students to think about how their learning and skills will support their future working lives. At the same time, it offers ownership, as students are actively involved in reflecting on, and identifying how to develop, the broad and far-reaching value of their studies. The Surfacing Skills work is integrated within Curriculum Redefined and the new institutional assessment strategy. This PRiA event aims to share some of the existing good practice within the Faculty of AHC and across campus, and to provide some tools for embarking on this work within programmes and schools.