Diversity and decolonising the curriculum

Join this online roundtable on diversity and decolonising the curriculum in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies and the Language Centre.

Improving diversity in, and decolonising, the curriculum have been focal points in ongoing discussions in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies and in the Language Centre.

To further discussions around concepts and approaches used to define curriculum diversity and decolonisation, the School Academic Leads for Inclusive Practice in LCS and the Language Centre, and the Director of Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) are hosting a roundtable.

A series of short presentations from panellists will allow them to share and reflect on examples of good practice, as well as outline challenges and pitfalls in the approaches they have adopted. 

We will then hold a roundtable discussion about diversifying and decolonising practices in the School and Language Centre, focused around an audience-led Q&A.

We strongly encourage students to join us and to participate in the discussion about different aspects of curriculum diversity/decolonisation. We would very much value their insights and feedback.

View the full programme and Teams meeting link.