
Results 61 to 65 of 225 in News intray

Image from Whose Power exhibition

School of Fine Art Professor joins forces with award-winning Leeds youth group to launch innovative new exhibition

Alicja s artwork at exhibition

Endometriosis is a ‘systemic’ problem requiring a holistic approach

Dr Danielle Terrazas Williams

The book was published by Yale University Press in 2022 and has received numerous prize and honourable mentions.

The cover of a book on a red background. The main image is of eighteenth-century British soldiers.

The book has been published by Pen and Sword as part of their History of the British Army series. Dr Linch joins us to tell us more about the book.

Somebody sitting at the end of a dark corridor with a washing basket next to them. Text reads:

A short film produced for assessment by MA Film Photography and Media students has been voted to become part of the official selection for the National Student Film Awards 2023.