Leeds MA Interpreting students complete study visit to the International Maritime Organization (IMO)

The 2023-2024 MA Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies (MABPSITS) cohort participated in a study visit at the IMO.

Leeds MA Interpreting students have completed a study visit to the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The 2023-2024 cohort of University of Leeds MA Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies programme (MABPSITS) participated in a dummy booth practice visit at the IMO, led by Ms Lihong Pan, Lecturer in Chinese Interpreting and Business Interpreting.  

As a member of the Universities Contact Group (UCG) of international organisations, the Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Leeds collaborates extensively with international organisations. Through this partnership, our MA interpreting students gain unparalleled opportunities to participate in professional interpreting in international organiations within the fields of international relations and diplomacy. 

The visit coincided with the 11th plenary session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication, and Search and Rescue (NCSR 11) of the IMO. During this session, the students participated in dummy booth interpreting practice. This unique opportunity enabled them to apply their interpreting skills in a authentic setting, simulating the high-pressure environment of international maritime negotiations. 

"The IMO visit was an eye-opening experience that bridged the gap between classroom learning and real-world application," said Sirui Tan, the Course Representative of MABPSITS. "Practicing in the dummy booth gave us a taste of the challenges and rewards of professional interpreting."  

The students also received valuable advice from Mr. Guangbo Zhang, an AIIC member and staff interpreter at the IMO, which deepened their understanding of the field's nuances. The interaction with professionals and the chance to observe live sessions were instrumental in boosting their confidence and refining their skills. The interaction with professionals and the chance to observe live sessions were instrumental in boosting their confidence and refining their skills.  

We are very proud of our students' dedication and professionalism during this study visit. They said that it marks a significant milestone in their professional journeys, providing them with practical experience and a deeper appreciation of the vital role of interpreters in facilitating international cooperation. 

We sincerely thank the IMO staff, especially Mr. Antonio Paoletti, Head of the Meeting Services and Interpretation Section, along with many others, for their generous support in making this visit an exceptionally enriching experience for our students.