Xiaojing Mo

Xiaojing Mo


I am a PhD student at the School of Media and Communication and funded by the School’s Scholarship at the University of Leeds.

In response to the pervasive influence of platformisation and digital culture on a global scale, coupled with the heightened visibility of women within neoliberal social media discussions, my research project endeavours to delve into how social media influencers navigate women’s visibility and reconcile it with the intertwined economic and cultural dimensions of platformisation in China. Employing a comprehensive approach that combines digital ethnography, walkthrough analysis, and in-depth interviews, with a focus on China’s prominent social media platform Xiaohongshu (RED), my research aims to offer nuanced insights into both media and cultural studies and the intricacies of Chinese digital networks. By synthesising diverse methodologies, my research aspires to yield a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between women’s digital practices and cultural dynamics within the Chinese context.

Research interests

  • Platform Studies
  • Feminist Media Studies
  • Digital Culture
  • Social Media Communications


  • MA in Communication and Media, University of Leeds
  • BA in Communication, China Agricultural University & University of Colorado Denver