Gummo Clare

Gummo Clare


I am a WRoCAH-funded PhD student at the School of Media and Communications at Leeds, and submitted my thesis in April 2024.

My research explores the effects of digitalisation and platformisation on cultural production and circulation in localised music scenes, with particular attention to the role played by social media and digital streaming platforms (DSPs). I am studying the recent rise to prominence of the ‘new London jazz scene’ as a case study, through a combination of multimedia textual analysis, observations and research interviews.

I’ve worked as a Teaching Assistant in the school of Media and Communications 2021-2022, and was co-organizer of the cross-departmental Sound and Music Study Group

I previously studied MA Critical and Applied Musicology in the School of Music here at Leeds, and also have a BA in History from the University of Sheffield. I am also a podcast host on the New Books Network

Research interests

  • Scene studies
  • Platformisation of cultural production
  • Jazz studies
  • Critical political economy
  • Cultural industries
  • Music of the Black Atlantic
  • (Sub)cultural studies
  • Social media
  • Liveness
  • Postdigital aesthetics
  • Hybridity
  • Genre


  • MA Critical and Applied Musicology, University of Leeds
  • BA History, University of Sheffield