LSTV wins Best Broadcaster at the 2018 NaSTA Awards

Leeds Student Television has won six National Student Television Association Awards including Best Broadcaster.

LSTV were also named winner for Mars El Brogy (00:27:00), Animation (00:35:00), Writing (00:59:20), Freshers Coverage (1:50:00), Sport (02:08:00) and Best Broadcaster (2:32:00).

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Their winning entry for Best Broadcaster was praised for its variety by the judge, Andrew Seddon, who is an alum of the University of Leeds and LSTV.

Station Manager, Callum Isaac, who studies BA Film, Photography and Media, said:

“LSTV members have gone above and beyond to create incredible content over the last year, from energetic live broadcasting to engaging broadcast journalism and from innovative factual work to hugely creative fictional work and so much more. It’s been brilliant to see LSTV members push to create incredibly ambitious ideas and achieve them. It’s been a privilege to be their station manager this year, and I’m sure next year will see even more successes.”

Deputy Station Manager, Niamh Carr, who studies BA Broadcast Journalism, said:

“Best Broadcaster is the one I’ve always hoped we’d win. No matter how much you’ve been involved in other entries for other categories, this award is so special because it belongs to every single member of the society, no matter how big or small their involvement. Winning has instilled such a sense of pride within me, and I hope within every other member, to be a part of the best student television station in the country!”