Journalism students Olivia Davies and Emma Jackson win Community Radio Award

Second year BA Journalism students Olivia Davies and Emma Jackson won silver at the 2024 Community Radio Awards for their general election coverage as part of a team of student journalists.
Reporting for NLive’s overnight Vote 24 programme, 100 student journalists from 21 universities attended vote counts across the UK on election night. The team, co-ordinated by Kate Ironside for the BJTC, took home a silver award at the awards in Cardiff on 16 November.
The annual Community Radio Awards celebrate community radio, and are selected by judges drawn from the community radio sector, academics, other radio professionals and the third sector.
Layla Painter, Joint Programme Leader of the BA Journalism course, said
"It was an amazing experience for Olivia and Emma to play a part in this award-winning General Election coverage. We’re very proud of their achievement. We were delighted to see so many of our students working at election counts for a range of broadcasters this summer, providing them with valuable industry experience to prepare them for their future careers.”