2025 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships - Applications are now open

2025 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships - Applications are now open

The School of Media and Communication will consider applications for the 2025 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships scheme.

Prospective applicants should contact the member of staff whom they wish to act as their mentor.

To apply, send a two-page statement of the proposed research, CV and email confirmation of support from the University of Leeds mentor (as above) to Professor Katy Parry via email.

The deadline for applications is Monday 2 December 2024.

The materials will be reviewed by the Research Committee in the School of Media and Communication. Only selected expressions of interest will be invited to go to the full application stage.

Decisions will be communicated by Friday 13 December 2024.

What is an Early Career Fellowship?

Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, who have a proven record of research.

The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position, either within the same or another institution.

Fellowships are tenable for three years on a full-time basis.

The Trust will support requests to hold the award part-time over a proportionately longer period for health-related reasons, disability or childcare commitments.

Further information

Full information for this round is available on the Leverhulme website Career Fellowships section.

For applications that are approved to go ahead, the 2025 round will open on 1 January 2025 with a deadline of 20 February 2025.