Media Education Summit 2021

The conference theme for 2021 is ‘Media Education, Diversity and Voice’ and the event will be held online.

Each year the Media Education Summit brings together a global network of researchers, educators and practitioners working across all aspects of media education, media and digital literacy and media / technology in education.

The event is the leading global showcase for research, pedagogy and innovation on all aspects of media education.

Now running for thirteen years, MES is convened by the UK’s Centre for Excellence in Media Practice, in collaboration with a leading organisation in a different country each year. In 2021, however, the summit will be virtual and will be run in conjunction with the School of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds.

Presenters will be also invited to submit their work to the Media Education Research Journal and Media Practice and Education. A panel will be convened by Internet Policy Review, on the theme of digital literacy.

Keynote speakers include Profesoor Eszter Hargittai (University of Zurich) and Professor Kate Pahl (Manchester Metropolitan University).

Acceptance is on fully peer-reviewed abstracts only - there is no requirement to submit a full paper. Submit your abstract by email to by 12 December 2020. 

More information, including instructions for submitting abstracts, can be found on the Media Education Summit 2021 website

The conference co-organiser for the University of Leeds is Dr Kristofer Erickson.