Media Futures: Breaking in to news: how to be a journalist in a multimedia age

- Date: Tuesday 7 March 2023, 16:00 – 17:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
In an era of non-stop news whenever and however you want it, what jobs actually exist in a modern newsroom?
Please note this is an online event. Visit the MyCareer events calendar for more information, joining instructions and to reserve your place.
Meet the team from Sky News to find out about some of the different roles in news, the skills needed, and how to get a foot on the ladder. From data journalism to video production, plus telly, radio, reporting and more, the Sky News team will lift the lid on working in 24-hour multimedia news.
Louise Hastings is managing editor at Sky News and part of the senior leadership team. She’s worked across TV, radio and digital, and has been a senior news editor, editor of IRN and head of audience for around a dozen live debate and election shows. Louise previously worked in commercial radio. Louise will be joined by Shingi Mararike (Sky’s North of England correspondent), John Jarman (assistant editor for TV output), and Marnie Gill (digital video producer).