Inclusive Art for Wicked Problems: Innovating Creative Methods for Systems Change with Learning Disabled Artists and Their Facilitators



Partners and collaborators

Partner: Pyramid / Collaborators: Viviane Sarraf, Museum of Modern Art São Paulo, Blue Room, ActionSpace, Project ArtWorks

The Irregular Art School exhibition


Working in partnership with Leeds-based inclusive arts studio Pyramid, her fellowship will enable an innovative application of inclusive arts practice to systemic action research to mobilise the expertise and creativity of learning disabled people across the challenges of the social care system.

This methodological expansion, based on ongoing research by Dr French, will be generated by working with three UK-based inclusive arts organisations, as well as an international collaboration with partners in Brazil – Dr Viviane Sarraf and the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art – where together they will co-create new arts led infrastructure with learning disabled citizens in São Paulo by establishing the city's first inclusive art studio.

In the UK, the fellowship will then bring the method into practice by enabling a locally embedded systemic action research project in the Leeds City Region led by artists from Pyramid, facilitated by Dr French, into the challenges and issues which affect them. Areas of interest include service commissioning, flexibility of care and support, the issuing of ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders during COVID-19, employment, independent living, and access to Higher Education.

Key links:

Project website