Professor Chris Paterson edits Special Issue of International Communication Gazette

Professor Chris Paterson has joined with colleagues at Sheffield and Westminster University to edit a Special Issue of the journal International Communication Gazette.
The issue, titled “A Decade of China's Media Going Global: Issues and Perspectives”, follows from a post-conference for the International Communications Association in May 2022 and examines the implications of China’s global media expansion over the last decade.
Professor Paterson authored an introductory essay with co-editors Vivien Marsh (Westminster) and Dani Madrid-Morales (Sheffield). The Special Issue addresses such questions as: how should we think about and conceptualise China's external communication in the 2020s? Are China's external/global media still fulfilling the role envisaged for them a decade ago, and – if not – what are they now for? Do Chinese media present the ‘threat’ to media freedom that many have envisioned, especially in countries where democratic institutions are fragile? What is the state of scholarly understanding of Chinese global media, and what key new strands of research and theory have emerged?
Gazette Volume 85, Issue 1, February 2023 is available here.