MA by Research case studies

Benjamin Devere White. Thesis: Thai/English language development

Welcome sign in a leafy green garden in Chiang Mai

MA by Research (2012)

My study explored the correlation between the nature of language input when teaching a second language, and the nature of language development in the learner. I specifically focused on the extent to which using a student’s native language (Thai) in a second language learning environment (English) affected the development of English accuracy and fluency. My argument, based on previous studies, was that whilst exclusive English input would result in increased development in fluency, using both Thai and English would result in an increased development in accuracy. Results suggested that both methods of language input significantly advanced a learner’s accuracy and fluency, albeit to varying degrees. Thai usage was shown to be particularly advantageous with regards the acquisition of specific grammatical features English, whilst at the same time continuing to significantly advance speech-rate (an aspect of fluency) to levels comparable to using English alone. I also discovered that whilst participants exposed to solely English input demonstrated statistically significant accuracy gains, those made by participants exposed to Thai and English input were greater. Indeed, the sole advantage of English input over Thai and English input appeared to be an increased ability to hold the floor with a continuous utterance (a single aspect of fluency in my analysis). In light of these findings, it was discovered that the notion of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to all language teaching is challengeable.

Since successfully defending my thesis in December 2012, I returned to Thailand to offer my language teaching expertise in the private education sector. I was a classroom English literature teacher at Nakornpayap International School (NIS), Chiang Mai, for two academic years. During this time I completed my teaching certification via the University of Winnipeg (Canada). Moving into my third year at NIS, I have now been promoted to the position of Middle School Head.
It is no doubt that the generosity of the Royal Thai Embassy in London has greatly assisted me in this successful career path. Without the award of a scholarship, I would not have been able to continue my studies. For this, I will be eternally grateful.