Declan Kelly
- Course: MA Writing for Performance and Digital Media
What made you want to apply to your course and to Leeds?
Leeds has always had such a big impact on my education. I went to college in Leeds and studied my BA Theatre and Performance at Leeds University. As Leeds is growing within the creative sector, I felt like I’d be running away from opportunities and connections if I was to study anywhere else.
What aspects of your course do you enjoy the most?
This course has given me to time and experience to be able to write and explore a large amount of play/film text ideas with the help of industry professionals throughout the whole process. Being able to finish this course in September with 5 or 6 different script texts ready to take further is a great opportunity to further my career.
What would you say about the learning facilities in your School and at the University in general?
The main reason I was drawn to study here for my BA was the professionalism embedded throughout the School of Performance and Cultural Industries, from the staff to the equipment. There is a great sense of industry realism throughout all the facilities and having these facilities on your doorstep allows great scope for professional development.
What other activities are available for students to take part in outside of their studies (e.g. societies), and which ones have you tried out yourself?
Leeds is thriving with opportunities within both the university and the city. Throughout my time studying at Leeds, I have had amazing opportunities with institutions like Leeds Playhouse on projects such as a writing course and a 2-week tour of a show in Tokyo Japan.
Additionally, through the university society, I have become president of LUU Theatre Group society which has given me real insight on how to manage a company of people within the theatre sector. Through this, I’ve had opportunities to take a show on a national tour and have a show supported by Red Ladder Theatre Company.
All these have set me up to establish my own company to platform my work and I’m excited to be heading to Edinburgh Fringe this summer.
Have you been involved with a performance project, lecture or seminar you particularly enjoyed and what did you take from the session?
In my 3rd year BA Theatre and Performance Project, I had the opportunity to work as a writer on the project which explored the life of Anne Bronte. From this, I’ve gone to study an MA in Writing for Performance and Digital Media and through an expansion of ‘Glass Bell’ I am now writing my Final MA piece on Branwell Bronte. The piece will be called ‘Brother in the Shadows’ and will explore his life. This performance project inspired me to go further in-depth through my research.
What do you plan to do now you’ve finished your course, and how do you think the skills and knowledge you’ve developed at Leeds will help with these plans?
I believe everything that I’ve done throughout my duration at Leeds has set me up for a career in the theatre or film industry. The skills I’ve learnt have given me a true understanding of how to establish myself within Leeds as an upcoming young artist and practioner.
What would you say to anyone thinking of studying your course?
Take every opportunity which is presented to you because everything you do will accumulate experience which will go towards helping you in your future career.