
Results 116 to 120 of 225 in News intray

A bible in Latin

The medieval period is key to the history of Latin – so why has it become obscure? Explore this question and more in Dr Roe’s podcast episode.

Detail from lino printing and patchwork by Caitlin Burns.

BA Fine Art graduate Caitlin Burns is exhibiting new work at Patrick Studios in Leeds, following a residency with Leeds Print Workshop.

Members of Mafwa Theatre sketching their surroundings at Askham Bog with Katie Surridge. The landscape is lush and green, with long grass, trees and other plants filling the background.

An artist is collaborating with a community arts group to create a living wall for the University of Leeds, inspired by carbon-storing peatlands.

Co-production animation

Professor James Stark was a Co-Investigator on the Emerging Minds project which generated incredible impact by bringing together people and organisations passionate about mental health.

Someone with a megaphone surrounded by climate activists holding placards. Their signs read "it's our future," "real climate action" and "there is no planet B."

Climate change sceptics and climate activists are being urged to get together to try to find common ground as part of a study by the University of Leeds.