Introducing the Performance of Political Feeling

- Date: Wednesday 27 February 2019, 14:00 – 16:00
- Location: University House
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
covering Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives
Part of the 2018-19 Sadler Seminar Series, 'The Performance of Political Feeling'
Across the disciplines of arts, humanities and social sciences, contemporary academic research has increasingly sought to devote attention toward the topic of emotion. Paired with an emerging focus in the political arena on the performance of emotion - and indeed political feeling more broadly, – this seminar aims to bring together academics from different disciplines to explore when, how and through what methods and means political feeling is constructed, mediated, understood and theorised. The event will use a film/television montage of events from political and cultural life that speak to the themes of politics/emotion/performance to stimulate conversation. Key questions include:
- What is political feeling? And how do political feelings emerge?
- What political feelings matter – to whom? And how, when and where are they mediated?
- What tenets of performance emerge from political feeling?
- What do the arts, humanities and social sciences do with the study of political feeling?
Key information and speakers:
The event will be introduced by Dr Beth Johnson and facilitated by Professor Stephen Coleman. The second half of the seminar will feature a short talk from writer, broadcaster and performer, Dr Kate Fox
Places are limited for this event, so if you would like to come along please send your rsvp to the seminar convener Beth Johnson
Location: St George Room, University House.