African Knowledges – Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

The eighth seminar in the Sadler series “African Knowledges for Global Challenges”

In this last seminar of the academic year, we will take stock of our conversations so far, identify emerging questions of common interests, and discuss how to further develop collaborative work in this area. We will specifically look at two sub-themes:

  • “African knowledges of pandemics”
  • “African knowledges of the environment”.

Everyone with an interest in these themes, whether or not you have participated in previous seminars, is welcome to attend!

The Sadler Seminar Series “African Knowledges for Global Challenges” is supported by the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute, in collaboration with the Leeds University Centre for African Studies. The series is convened by Adriaan van Klinken, Brendon Nicholls, Lisa Thorley, and Abel Ugba.

For further information, please email