African Knowledges of Cities

On 18 February, we have the fifth seminar in the Sadler seminar series “African Knowledges for Global Challenges”

Under the theme “African Knowledges of Cities”, three presenters will give short presentations of their work in progress on understandings of urban space and culture in African context:

  • Benjamin Kirby (PRHS): “Urban knowledges and registers of knowability in Dar es Salaam”
  • Jorg Wiegratz (POLIS): “Capitalism from below: voices on everyday life in a market society”
  • Brendon Nicholls (English): “Post-Apartheid Cape Town, Prison Gangs and the Digital Paleolithic in K. Sello Duiker’s Thirteen Cents

The Sadler Seminar Series “African Knowledges for Global Challenges” is supported by the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute, in collaboration with the Leeds University Centre for African Studies. The series is convened by Professor Adriaan van Klinken, Dr Brendon Nicholls, Dr Lisa Thorley, and Dr Abel Ugba.

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