
Results 1 to 4 of 4 Seminar series in Events intray

Sunrise over the mountains of Bandung, Indonesia. The city is seen in the foreground.

Dr Wildan Sena Utama presents a paper for the Politics, Diplomacy and International History research group in the School of History.

A cartoon showing a soldier hunting a bear. He shoots it. The bear, representing says

Professor Wolfgang Schwentker presents a paper for the War Studies research group in the School of History.

A group of people examining a museum  exhibit

Dr Bethany Rebisz gives a paper for the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums and Empires and Aftermath research groups in the School of History.

Miners standing in a gold mine, with their tools around them

Dr Nicholas McGee presents a paper for the Empires and Aftermath research group in the School of History.

  • One day event
  • Reoccuring events