Documentation of Practice-Research
- Date: Tuesday 18 September 2018, 09:00 – 17:00
- Location: Leeds Arts Humanities Research Institute
- Cost: Free
Documentation of Practice-Research
The Centre for Practice-led Research in the Arts (CePRA) present a one-day symposium to support researchers working towards documentation of outputs for the next REF
Guest speakers include Paul Allain (REF 2014 panel member, Professor of Theatre and Performance, Uni. of Kent), Vida Midgelow(director of the Erasmus Plus funded 'Artistic Doctorates in Europe Project', Professor of Dance, Middlesex Uni.), and Lauren Redhead (Director of Centre for Practice Research, Composer/Performer, Goldsmiths), and AHC Director of Research Philip Mellor.
The focuss of the symposium will be on research active staff, however the day will include an opportunity for practice PGRs to receive feedback on their documentation (complete or in-progress), and open discussion with the panel on what constitutes innovative documentation of practice, or what even is “normal” documentation practice. We will discuss the tensions inherent in balancing the imperative to frame artistic practice around research questions while also maintaining artistic practices outside the academic context.
If you would like to attend, or have an questions surrounding this event then please contact Scott Mcloughlin