
Results 13 to 18 of 19 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Postgraduate students chatting around a table

Join our live online event to receive expert advice on how to make your Masters a reality with funding and invest in your future.   

Two people about to kiss

This event is part of the School of Media and Communication research seminar series

Decorative furniture designs

This symposium at the University of Leeds explores furniture history as a subject and reflects on what furniture history of the future might look like.

Please join us for two events centred on World Englishes, Capitalism, and Colonialism! Both events are free. You are welcome to attend either or both, and you do not need a ticket to attend in person

The Dropout - woman in close-up holds tiny pill by her eye

This event is part of the School of Media and Communication research seminar series

Dr karel k himawan

Part of ‘The place of singles studies in feminist and gender discourses’ seminar series co-hosted by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and The Centre for Religion and Public Life

  • One day event
  • Reoccuring events